2010年8月5日 星期四

The Front Splits Fast Flexibility program(轉載)

 Hi Lisa!


I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of the DVDs and manual.

Your mails have made my awaiting even more valuable.

I am so in to the program already.


I have been a ballet teacher for many years. After childbirth two times, my hips became so weak and tight . I pull my hamstring very often (way up high into my left hip) the pain is grueling to get rid of. I still do the front split in ballet class, though it causes pain in the left leg.


I have discovered that my right leg is stronger than my left leg. The way I stand and walk is imbalanced. I tend to put my weight on my right leg. Maybe that’s why I always pull my left leg.


I see my adult students in ballet class (they are between 25-55 years old) all tried very hard to do the splits, but for some of them the progress is so limited. I am looking forward to finding the way to help them break through in a safe way.


Also, for my younger ballet students, their parents worry that doing the splits will make their children stop growing. I tell them it will not happen.


My two daughtors quit ballet class after two years because of the extringly pain split. I hope it will never happen to my students. Ballet is such a beautiful thing. Improving flexibility and strength is necessary in the training process. Everyone enjoys watching a dancer place their leg in a really high position, but behind that is the hard work which is beyond people’s imagination.


Some say:no pain no game. But not every kid wants to be a professional dancer. I want to challenge them to improve their technique but also help them to enjoy dancing . Not like my daughters as pain is the only thing that they can remember from ballet class.




Hui-ling( Taipei , Taiwan )




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